Numbers Made Dumber
I did this project in my first year of college.
This project was done under Stamatics, Mathematics Department. It was aimed at introducing Number Theory and its application in Cryptograpy.
- Worked on understanding algorithms like Euclid’s Algorithm & it’s consequences like Bezout’s Identity.
- Learned about special primes like Fermat and Mersenne Primes and learned basic primality tests and distribution of primes and related concepts.
- Explored the idea Congruences, and related theorems like Chinese Remainder Theorem & its applications.
- Learned about the real-world applications in Cryptography like the RSA Encryption.
The field of Number Theory left me fascinated. I still enjoy reading about it here and there.
In my second year, I (with my friend Abhishek) mentored a similar project Number therory and its applications which covered slightly broader spectum.